VAL-Clock [by: Teruchan]

Thursday, February 08, 2007

hmph, today i had to cram up the whole day, and finally after studies had to go for oreintation night, everything was fine, the fashion show was great n all, except tht william seems to get all the shit clothes...wth man, and thn ltr they had this performance by the band, sadly ther was some techincal problem. anyways, thn the wedding gown dress...and hn the 24 solar drum thing. ahaha was great n all. n thn talent show, a pity william played some off key T-T, anyways...the judging sucks ass...i mean Gaby or Catherine was was prettier thn the winner. hmph! thn also, i tink most of the winner's frens came so all the aiudience was loud n all tht. so yes...practically still pissed at it. hell infact i almost cried man. not tht i showed it. aaiiee...wanna go out with supper with thm but i cnt! cos im gonna die n no cash! aaaaaiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee suuuckkkkkkkkkkkkssssssssss

asssasaasas faiofhagbwgosngiosnhoiebidsndijugwuhnbv sfojgjdnk diaojfngsjnskndsgsek


btw, Gabz n Catherine!!! u both looked dam pretty!!! im still votin for u all the way!

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